July 4th~5th, 2025
Always FREE to the public since 1972!

Other ways you can watch or listen to the 2025 Smithville Fiddler's Jamboree
DTC TV will be airing the Jamboree LIVE, from kickoff to sign off, via web stream at www.DTC3.tv Free of charge!
and both on DTC3 (ch.3) and DTC3 HD (ch. 303) for DTC TV customers.
Listeners can also catch the Fiddlers Jamboree music LIVE on the web stream at www.wjle.com throughout the annual two day festival.
Join us on these Social Media Apps

Now accepting craft applications for 2025
Download your PDF free copy
"50 Year History of the Smithville Fiddlers' Jamboree and Crafts Festival "
Visit our Arts & Crafts page to download or view on your phone, this year's crafters and their locations around the square
Exciting Jamboree Dance News for 2025
We are pleased to announce the Smithville Fiddlers' Jamboree has partnered with The National Clogging Organization (C.L.O.G.) and The National Clogging & Hoedown Council (N.C.H.C.) in sanctioning four traditional clogging categories to add to our festival starting in 2025! This is in addition to our current dance competitions. To review the rules please select the link below. Check back soon for Order of Events.
Contestant Rules & Regulations
Contestant Rules & Regulations ~ Revised 2023
For more information and updates 
Join us for the 53rd Annual Smithville Fiddlers' Jamboree and Crafts Festival coming Friday, July 4th and Saturday, July 5th, 2025 to Downtown Smithville, Tennessee. Each day begins at 9am with over 35 music and dance categories, streets full of hand-made crafts, and food booths galore. Come and see for yourself why this FREE family-friendly festival has been named the official Jamboree & Crafts Festival of the State of Tennessee.
The old-time Fiddlers' Jamboree is a DeKalb County tradition that draws musicians, craft artists, and spectators to the Smithville Square each summer around the Independence Day weekend. Over time, the festival became a broader tribute to Appalachian art and culture. Thousands of tourists visit the festival every year, along with television viewers across the country via DTC-TV.

The Grand Ole Opry, the world’s longest-running radio show and the show that made country music famous, is proud to announce that it has invited the 2025 Grand Fiddle Off Champion of the Smithville Fiddlers’ Jamboree and Crafts Festival to perform on its legendary stage, the biggest stage in country music. The Smithville Jamboree, held annually on the Friday and Saturday nearest the Fourth of July in Smithville, Tennessee, is a major event that draws hundreds of musicians and crafts people, as well as thousands of spectators from around the world. The festival showcases the best of old-time Appalachian-style music and dance, as well as authentic Appalachian and handmade crafts.

Cutter & Cash and The Kentucky Grass
Friday, July 5th @8:00 pm.

Cutter & Cash and The Kentucky Grass will perform Friday, July 5th @8:00 pm. at
Jamboree. Members of the band include Noah Goebel (reigning Smithville Jamboree Fiddle off winner) along with his sister, Lily Goebel reigning Smithville Jamboree Old Time Appalachian Folk Singing - Solo), Brennen Cruce, Cutter Singelton, and Cash Singelton.
Dressed impeccably and always ready to put on a spectacular show, Cutter & Cash and The
Kentucky Grass are poised to satiate your craving for a top-notch musical experience.
Jeannie Seely, a CMA and Grammy Award winner and a revered 56-year legend of the Grand
Ole Opry, has produced their latest project in an exciting collaboration.
Get ready for an authentic bluegrass experience as this young music group highlights their
prowess and passion. With their music resonating on the airwaves and streaming platforms, the
Smithville Fiddlers’ Jamboree stage is set for an exciting chapter in the journey of this talented young group.

Sister Sadie Named 2024
Fiddlers’ Jamboree Blue Blaze Award Winner
Saturday, July 6th @5:00 pm

The Smithville Fiddlers’ Jamboree and Crafts Festival has awarded Sister Sadie the Blue Blaze Award for the 53rd annual event. The Blue Blaze Award is given to artists for continuing and promoting bluegrass music as well as participating in the past Jamborees.
"The Smithville Fiddlers’ Jamboree and Crafts Festival has awarded Sister Sadie the Blue Blaze Award for the 53rd annual event. The Blue Blaze Award is given to artists for continuing and promoting bluegrass music as well as participating in the past Jamborees", stated Jamboree President Kim Driver Luton. "I started going to the Smithville Fiddlers’ Jamboree when I was a young girl," said Deanie Richardson. "I was the first fiddler to win the National Beginner Fiddler Championship at the age of twelve. That win also awarded me my first appearance on the Grand Ole Opry. I cannot tell you what this Jamboree means to every young person who plays an instrument and works all year to prepare for this competition. I have made lifelong friends that I still talk to and play music with that I met at the Jamboree. I now have students of my own that attend the Jamboree and I get to go with them and accompany them when they compete. That is the ultimate experience for me to get to relive it and feel their excitement about being there as I did when I was their age. I am thrilled to get to be there this year with our band, Sister Saide and accept the Blue Blaze Award for 2024", continued Deanie.
The award will be presented on Saturday, July 6th @5:00 pm – followed by music provided by Sister Sadie. The Smithville Fiddlers’ Jamboree & Craft Festival
is free to the public. For more information about Sister Sadie, go to
Sister Sadie (sistersadieband.com). Visit smithvillejamboree.com for more info about the Jamboree. This year’s Jamboree will be held Friday, July 5th & Saturday, July 6th.

We would like to thank our 2024 partners!
Headline Partners
DTC Communications provides a wide range of products and services to residential and commercial customers, including Telephone, DTC TV, Broadband Internet, Security, Tech Team, and Business Solutions.
Call DTC at (615) 529-2955 or visit us at www.DTCcom.net to learn more. Plus, DTC TV will be airing the Jamboree LIVE, from kickoff to sign off, both on DTC3 (ch.3) and DTC3 HD (ch. 303) for DTC TV customers,
AND via web stream at www.DTC3.tv free of charge.

Live Streaming will start 9am, July 4
WJLE Radio AM 1480-FM 101.7 has been broadcasting LIVE the on-stage entertainment of the Fiddlers Jamboree and Crafts Festival since its beginning in 1972. The first of any electronic media to do so. Listeners can also catch the Fiddlers Jamboree music LIVE on the web stream at www.wjle.com throughout the annual two day festival.

Please visit our Partner Page for all our Partners
who made this year possible!
If you would like more information on becoming a partner for the Smithville Fiddlers' Jamboree, we would love to hear from you! There are quite a few different levels to join in on, all reasonably priced to meet your needs. Email us at smithvillejamboree@gmail.com to find out more.